Best Cyber Forensic Service Provider

About Cyber Forensic

Flukesys Global provides cyber forensic services to its customers. Cyber forensics, also known as digital forensics, involves the collection, preservation, analysis, and presentation of digital evidence in a manner that is legally admissible. This service is crucial for investigating cybercrimes, data breaches, and other incidents involving digital devices and networks.

Forensic Analysis

Legal Support

Data Recovery

  • Detailed examination of digital evidence to uncover the timeline of events.
  • Identifying the methods used by attackers and any data compromised.
  • Reverse engineering malware to understand its functionality and impact.
  • Providing expert testimony in court.
  • Assisting legal teams with the technical aspects of digital evidence.
  • Preparing comprehensive reports and documentation for legal proceedings.
  • Recovering lost, deleted, or corrupted data from digital devices.
  • Utilizing advanced techniques to retrieve data from damaged or encrypted storage media.

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